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GHLF Public Comments at ICER Review

Jun 30// Letters and Testimony

Global Healthy Living Foundation 50-State Network advocate Lisa Tent delivers Osteoporosis patient perspective to ICER, the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review.


GHLF supports Iowa HF 233

Apr 11// Letters and Testimony

Global Healthy Living Foundation President and Co-Founder, Seth Ginsberg, issued a powerful statement to Iowa Governor Terry Branstad urging him to support House Bill 233.


GHLF supports MT HB 233

Jan 19// Letters and Testimony

HB 233 takes positive steps toward updating Montana law to cover biologics and biosimilars in a way that protects patients. Unlike traditional chemical drugs, biologics are unique, complex structures made from living cells that are not easily replicated. A small change or difference in the biosimilar or biologic manufacturing process has the potential to adversely impact the patient. […]


GHLF offers comments on off label uses of medications

Jan 05// Advocacy Testimony Letters and Testimony

Director of State and National Advocacy, Stephen Marmaras, commented on off label uses of medications on November 9th, 2016. He acknowledges the promise to patients off label usage offers, as well as the disparity of education between large medical centers and more isolated rural providers. Marmaras proposes further distribution of peer reviewed articles for education, […]


July 12th – GHLF testimony and recommendation to FDA on proposed biosimilar to HUMIRA (adalimumab)

Jul 15// FDA Testimony Letters and Testimony

The committee will discuss biologics license application (BLA) 761024, for ABP 501, a proposed biosimilar to AbbVie Inc.’s HUMIRA (adalimumab), submitted by Amgen, Inc.


July 13th – GHLF FDA Arthritis Advisory Committee comments on proposed biosimilar to ENBREL (etanercept)

Jul 15// FDA Testimony Letters and Testimony

The committee will discuss biologics license application (BLA) 761024, for ABP 501, a proposed biosimilar to AbbVie Inc.’s HUMIRA (adalimumab), submitted by Amgen, Inc.


GHLF Supports OH HB 505

Apr 19// Letters and Testimony

HB 505 takes positive steps toward updating Ohio law to cover biologics and biosimilars in a
way that protects patients. As you know, unlike traditional chemical drugs, biologics are unique,
complex structures made from living cells that are not easily replicated. A small change or
difference in the biosimilar or biologic manufacturing process has the potential to adversely
impact the patient.


GHLF supports HI HB 254 HD2

Mar 24// Letters and Testimony

HB 254 HD 2 takes positive steps toward updating Hawaii law to cover biologics and biosimilars
in a way that protects patients. As you know, unlike traditional chemical drugs, biologics are
unique, complex structures made from living cells that are not easily replicated. A small change
or difference in the biosimilar or biologic manufacturing process has the potential to adversely
impact the patient.


GHLF supports KY SB 134

Mar 15// Letters and Testimony

SB 134 takes positive steps toward updating Kentucky law to cover biologics and biosimilars in
a way that protects patients. As you know, unlike traditional chemical drugs, biologics are
unique, complex structures made from living cells that are not easily replicated. A small change
or difference in the biosimilar or biologic manufacturing process has the potential to adversely
impact the patient.


GHLF supports CT SB 313

Mar 07// Letters and Testimony

SB 313 takes positive steps toward updating Connecticut law to cover biologics and biosimilars
in a way that protects patients.